Research Interest

Understanding Scrambling

Big question of learning about scrambling and creating new protocols to measure them experimentally. This project is a kind of continuation of my work from Master in IIT Madras along with new collaborators (Pablo Poggi, Karthik Chinni, Philip Blocher).

Quantum error correction for Spin systems

This projects include multiple aspects of understanding error correction schemes for spin systems.  This work contains studying spin GKP codes (Tyler Volkoff), Clifford codes (Jonathan Gross), and Cat codes (Jonathan Gross, Milad Marvian, Ivan Deutsch)

Qudits for Quantum Compuatation

This work tries to understand how a qudit based quantum computation could in principle be the future of quantum computation. In this we work along with the different experimental groups to further understand the limitations in implementation of gates for qudits.

Rydberg Physics for gates

In this work along with other collaborators we tries to understand how Rydberg physics can be used to implement high fidelity entangling gates for qubits.